by Sharon L. Petersen
At Mission of Deeds, we track a lot of data – financial data and client data. We store all the data in management databases that are secure and confidential. We have never sold our data, and we never will.
Why Do We Collect the Data?
The financial piece is obvious, as we want to know what funds are coming in and where they are being spent. To ensure that we are fiscally responsible and in good financial standing, we are audited independently every year. Our most recent audited financials show that 85% of our funds go to direct client support. Only 8% goes to administration and 7% to fundraising. To see how we spend our money, take a look at our Audited Financials.
Client data is used to help us understand our impact. Basic information about clients who schedule an appointment is entered into the database. We also track the number of beds and household items we give them, the amount and type of furniture they receive, and how long they had to wait for an appointment.
Some of this data is used for general information. Some are used as a way to make sure we are meeting our goals.
Tracking What We Give Our Clients Helps Us Understand Their Needs.
For Example, in 2019 We Gave Out:
- 1,261 twin/full/queen beds (mattress, box spring, and frame)
- 75 cribs (convertible crib and mattress)
- 78 bunk beds (bunk bed frame and two mattresses)
- 2,097 bags of linens (sheets, towels, pillows, blankets, etc.)
- 2,742 boxes of kitchen items (dishes, glassware, pans, utensils, toasters, etc.)
- 8,678 pieces of furniture (dining tables, chairs, sofas, bureaus, lamps, etc.)
Just knowing how many pieces of furniture is not enough. Knowing what type of furniture we gave in the past, helps us determine what our future clients will most likely request. For example, we know that in 2019 we gave out 1,916 kitchen chairs and 427 kitchen tables, an average of about 4 chairs per table. In 2018, the average number of chairs per table was the same. If we find there aren’t enough kitchen chairs in our warehouse, we will send out requests to our donors, asking specifically for kitchen chairs.